Source code for qiskit_quantum_knn.qknn.qkneighborsclassifier

"""The quantum KNN algorithm."""

from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
import logging
import itertools
import numbers

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import qiskit as qk
import qiskit.result as qres
import as qktools
import qiskit.aqua as aqua
import qiskit.providers as qkp
import qiskit.aqua.utils.subsystem as ss
from qiskit.aqua.algorithms import QuantumAlgorithm
import qiskit.circuit.instruction as qinst

from qiskit_quantum_knn.qknn._qknn import _QKNN
from qiskit_quantum_knn.qknn import qknn_construction as qc

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

UnionQInstBaseB = Union[aqua.QuantumInstance, qkp.BaseBackend]
OptionalQInstance = Optional[UnionQInstBaseB]

[docs]class QKNeighborsClassifier(QuantumAlgorithm): """ Quantum KNN algorithm. Maintains the construction of a QkNN Quantumcircuit, and manages the data corresponding with this circuit by setting up training and test data and maintaining the classes and labels to the data. Args: n_neighbors (int): number of neighbors to perform the voting. training_dataset (array-like): data shaped ``(n, d)``, with ``n`` the number of data points, and ``d`` the dimensionality. Corresponds to the training data, which is classified and will be used to classify new data. ``d`` must be a positive power of two, ``n`` not per se, because it can be zero-padded to fit on a quantum register. training_labels (array): the labels corresponding to the training data, must be ``len(n)``. test_dataset (array-like): data shaped ``(m, d)``, with ``m`` the the number of data points, and ``d`` the dimensionality. Describes test data which is used to test the algorithm and give an accuracy score. TODO: this is not implemented yet, for now a test is performed manually. data_points (array-like): data shaped ``(k, d)``, with ``k`` the number of data points, and ``d`` the dimensionality of the data. This is the unlabelled data which must be classified by the algorithm. quantum_instance (:class: `QuantumInstance` or :class: BaseBackend): the instance which ``qiskit`` will use to run the quantum algorithm. Example: Classify data using the Iris dataset. .. jupyter-execute:: from qiskit_quantum_knn.qknn import QKNeighborsClassifier from qiskit_quantum_knn.encoding import analog from qiskit import aqua from sklearn import datasets import qiskit as qk # initialising the quantum instance backend = qk.BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') instance = aqua.QuantumInstance(backend, shots=10000) # initialising the qknn model qknn = QKNeighborsClassifier( n_neighbors=3, quantum_instance=instance ) n_variables = 2 # should be positive power of 2 n_train_points = 4 # can be any positive integer n_test_points = 2 # can be any positive integer # use iris dataset iris = datasets.load_iris() labels = data_raw = # encode data encoded_data = analog.encode(data_raw[:, :n_variables]) # now pick these indices from the data train_data = encoded_data[:n_train_points] train_labels = labels[:n_train_points] test_data = encoded_data[n_train_points:(n_train_points+n_test_points), :n_variables] test_labels = labels[n_train_points:(n_train_points+n_test_points)], train_labels) qknn_prediction = qknn.predict(test_data) print(qknn_prediction) print(test_labels) """ def __init__(self, n_neighbors: int = 3, training_dataset: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, training_labels: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, test_dataset: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, data_points: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, quantum_instance: OptionalQInstance = None) -> None: super().__init__(quantum_instance) self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors # the datasets for training, testing and predicting self.training_dataset = None self.test_dataset = None self.data_points = None # dictionaries containing the class vs labels and reverse, respectively self.class_to_label = None self.label_to_class = None # the number of classes in the provided data sets self.num_classes = None # setup of the data self.training_dataset = training_dataset self.training_labels = training_labels self.test_dataset = test_dataset self.data_points = data_points # indicates the kind of instance this classifier is using, e.g. # _QSVM_Binary, _QSVM_Multiclass, or, in this case, _QKNN. This # instance has all the methods for running, testing and predicting. self.instance = _QKNN(self)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fit the model using X as training data and y as target values Notes: There is no real "fitting" done here, since the data cannot be stored somewhere. It only assigns the values so that these cane be accessed when running. Args: X (array-like): Training data of shape [n_samples, n_features]. y (array-like): Target values of shape [n_samples]. """ # TODO: create some validation and checks for the provided data self.training_dataset = X self.training_labels = y
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_circuit(state_to_classify: np.ndarray, oracle: qinst.Instruction, add_measurement: bool = False) -> qk.QuantumCircuit: r"""Construct one QkNN QuantumCircuit. The Oracle provided is mentioned in :afham2020:`Afham et al. (2020)` as the parameter :math:`\mathcal{W}`, and is created via the method :py:func:`~qiskit_quantum_knn.qknn.qknn_construction.create_oracle`. Args: state_to_classify (array-like): array of dimension ``N`` complex values describing the state to classify via kNN. oracle (qiskit Instruction): oracle :math:`\mathcal{W}` for applying training data. add_measurement (bool): controls if measurements must be added to the classical registers. Returns: QuantumCircuit: The constructed circuit. """ return qc.construct_circuit( state_to_classify, oracle, add_measurement )
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_circuits(data_to_predict, training_data) -> qk.QuantumCircuit: """Constructs all quantum circuits for each datum to classify. Args: data_to_predict (array): data points, 2-D array, of shape ``(N, D)``, where ``N`` is the number of data points and ``D`` is the dimensionality of the vector. ``D`` should coincide with the provided training data. training_data (array): data points which you want to know the distance of between :py:attr:`data_to_predict`. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The constructed circuits. Raises: AquaError: Quantum instance is not present. """ measurement = True # can be adjusted if statevector_sim oracle = qc.create_oracle(training_data) # parallel_map() creates QuantumCircuits in parallel to be executed by # a QuantumInstance"Starting parallel map for constructing circuits.") circuits = qktools.parallel_map( QKNeighborsClassifier.construct_circuit, data_to_predict, task_args=[ oracle, measurement ] )"Done.") return circuits
[docs] @staticmethod def execute_circuits(quantum_instance: UnionQInstBaseB, circuits) -> qres.Result: """Executes the provided circuits (type array-like).""""Executing circuits") result = quantum_instance.execute(circuits)"Done.") return result
[docs] def get_circuit_results(self, circuits, quantum_instance: OptionalQInstance = None) -> qres.Result: """Get the qiskit Results from the provided quantum circuits.""" self._quantum_instance = self._quantum_instance \ if quantum_instance is None else quantum_instance if self._quantum_instance is None: raise aqua.AquaError( "Either provide a quantum instance or set one up." ) return QKNeighborsClassifier.execute_circuits( self.quantum_instance, circuits )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all_contrasts(circuit_results: qres.Result): r"""Get all contrasts. Gets the contrast values which are calculated via :func:`calculate_contrasts` and saves these in an array. For more about contrasts, see :meth:`calculate_contrasts`. Args: circuit_results (qiskit.result.Result): the results from a QkNN circuit build using ``QKNeighborsClassifier``. Returns: array: all contrasts corresponding to """"Getting contrast values.") # get all counts from the circuit results all_counts = circuit_results.get_counts() # determine the length of the computational basis register by checking # the length of the count result # the -2 is there to compensate for the ' 0' or ' 1' at the end of # the key. num_qubits = len(list(all_counts[0].keys())[0]) - 2 # initialize the array which will hold the contrast values n_occurrences = len(all_counts) # number of occurring states n_datapoints = 2 ** num_qubits # number of data points all_contrasts = np.empty( shape=(n_occurrences, n_datapoints), ) # loop over all counted states for i, counts in enumerate(all_counts): # calculate the contrast values q(i) for this set of counts all_contrasts[i] = \ QKNeighborsClassifier.calculate_contrasts(counts)"Done.") return all_contrasts
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_contrasts(counts: Dict[str, int]) -> np.ndarray: r"""Calculate contrasts :math:`q(i)`. Calculates contrasts :math:`q(i)` for each training state ``i`` in the computational basis of the KNN QuantumCircuit. The contrasts are according to :afham2020:`Afham et al. (2020)`. .. math:: q(i) &= p_0(i) - p_1(i) \\ &= \frac{1 + F_i} {M + \sum_{j=1}^M F_j} - \ \frac{1 - F_i} {M - \sum_{j=1}^M F_j} \\ &= \frac{2(F_i - \langle F \rangle)} {M(1 - \langle F \rangle^2)}, and correspond linearly to the fidelity :math:`F_i` between the unclassified datum :math:`\psi` and :math:`\phi_i`. Args: counts (dict): counts pulled from a qiskit Result from the QkNN. Returns: array: the contrasts values. ndarray of length ``n_samples`` with each index ``i`` (representing state :math:`|i\rangle` from the computational basis) the contrast belonging to :math:`|i\rangle`. """ # first get the total counts of 0 and 1 in the control qubit subsystem_counts = ss.get_subsystems_counts(counts) # the counts from the control qubit are in the second register # by some magical qiskit reason control_counts = QKNeighborsClassifier.setup_control_counts( subsystem_counts[1] ) # now get the counts for the contrasts define possible states that # the computational can be in. num_qubits = len(list(subsystem_counts[0].keys())[0]) comp_basis_states = \ list(itertools.product(['0', '1'], repeat=num_qubits)) # initialise dict which is going to contain the contrast values contrasts = np.zeros(2 ** num_qubits, dtype=float) for comp_state in comp_basis_states: # convert list of '0's and '1's to one string e.g. # ('0', '1', '0') --> '010' comp_state = ''.join(comp_state) # init contrast value for this state contrast = 0. for control_state in control_counts.keys(): state_str = comp_state + ' ' + control_state if state_str not in counts: logger.debug( "State {0:s} not found in counts {1}. Adding" "naught to contrast value." .format( state_str, counts ) ) contrast += 0 # added for readability else: contrast += \ (-1) ** int(control_state) * \ (counts[state_str]) / control_counts[control_state] index_state = int(comp_state, 2) contrasts[index_state] = contrast return contrasts
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_control_counts(control_counts: Dict[str, int]) -> Dict[str, int]: """Sets up control counts dict. In Qiskit, if a certain value is not measured (or counted), it has no appearance in the ``counts`` dictionary from the :py:class:`Result`. Thus, this method checks if this has happened and adds a value with counts set to 0. Notes: This means that if the :py:attr:`control_counts` has both occurrences of ``0`` and ``1``, this method just returns that exact same dictionary, unmodified. Args: control_counts (dict): dictionary from a :py:class:`Result` representing the control qubit in the QkNN circuit. Returns: dict: The modified control counts. The same control_counts dict as provided but with non-counted occurrence added as well if needed. Raises: ValueError: if the provided dictionary does not coincide with the :py:class:`Result` from the QkNN. """ # constant describing the states possible in control_counts control_states = np.array(['0', '1']) # check if substition of 0 count value must be done if control_states[0] not in control_counts: to_substitute = int(control_states[0]) elif control_states[1] not in control_counts: to_substitute = int(control_states[1]) else: to_substitute = None if to_substitute is not None: # if to_substitute = 1, make it -1 * (1 - 1) = 0, else, make it # -1 * (0 - 1) = 1 sole_occurrence = -1 * (to_substitute - 1) logger.debug( "Only one value is counted in the control qubit: {0:d}," "setting the counts of state {1:d} to 0." .format( sole_occurrence, to_substitute ) ) control_counts = { str(to_substitute): 0, str(sole_occurrence): control_counts[str(sole_occurrence)] } return control_counts
[docs] def majority_vote(self, labels: np.ndarray, contrasts: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Performs majority vote with the :math:`k` nearest to determine class. Args: labels (array-like): The labels of the training data provided to the :class:`QKNeighborsClassifier`. contrasts (array-like): The contrasts calculated using :meth:`get_all_contrasts'. Returns: ndarray: The labels resulted from the majority vote. """"Performing majority vote.") # get the indices of the n highest values in contrasts, where n is # self.n_neighbors (these are unsorted) argpartition = np.argpartition( contrasts, -self.n_neighbors ) n_queries = len(labels) if n_queries == 1: indices_of_neighbors = argpartition[-self.n_neighbors:] else: # this is the case when more than one data point is given to this # majority vote, so the shape will be of (n_points, m) indices_of_neighbors = argpartition[:, -self.n_neighbors:] # voters = np.take(data, indices_of_neighbors, axis=0) voter_labels = np.take(labels, indices_of_neighbors) if n_queries == 1: votes, counts = stats.mode(voter_labels) else: votes, counts = stats.mode(voter_labels, axis=1)"Done.") return votes.real.flatten()
@property def ret(self) -> Dict: """ Returns result. Returns: Dict: return value(s). """ return self.instance.ret @ret.setter def ret(self, new_value): """ Sets result. Args: new_value: new value to set. """ self.instance.ret = new_value
[docs] def predict(self, data) -> np.ndarray: """Predict the labels of the provided data.""" return self.instance.predict(data)
def _run(self) -> Dict: return